Vitamin B17
It has long been debated due to the contrasting beliefs, Vitamin B17 is actually a glycoside that is found is particular fruit seeds. It was first found in 1803 by parting the molecules from the seeds of almonds which is also called as Prunus dulcis. On the other hand, also called as Laetrile and Amygdalin, Vitamin B17 is obtained from a couple of fruit seeds such as apple, cherry, nectarine, peach, apricot as well as orange. It addition, it can be obtained from a couple of beans and grasses such as mung bean sprouts, wheat grass, watercress, alfalfa sprouts, and spinach. These fruit seeds are seen to be a crucial source of food in giving the needed nutrients to the tribes of Navajo Indians, Abkhasians, and the Himalayan Hunzas. These tribal cultures consume these fruit seeds as the main source of food which has provided them the important nourishment and has contributed to their well-being and health.
In this contemporary period, Vitamin B17 is usually shrouded with contrasting reports as it gives a dose of a form of cyanide. Because of this, a couple of research programs devoted to Vitamin B17 were actually banned in the year 1977 since cyanide is considered to be a dangerous chemical. On the other hand, according to some researches, the kind of cyanide that is produced by Vitamin B17 would only target the cells that are cancerous in the body. And once Vitamin B17 is ingested, it would then excrete a some sort of enzyme that will protect the noncancerous cells in the body, as a result, the cyanide would only affect the cancerous cells. This denotes that no harm or danger will be given to the healthy cells and tissues of the body. And according to a couple of researches, it becomes distinct that Vitamin B17 is maybe one of the only natural substances that will help in fighting off cancer.
And so as to know the long terms effects of consuming Vitamin B15, a lot of doctors and scientists in United States are taking time to study the various tribes of Navajo Indians, Abkhasians and Himalayan Hunzas. And because of this research, a great discovery was found one that none of these tribes were actually affected by cancer or have acquired any heart problems.
And in addition, they also found out that the native diet was high in apricot and millet which is keeping them healthy. If you want to learn more about vitamin B17, you can visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/24/vitamins-5-myths-nutritional-supplements_n_1819144.html.